Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Resigned...

In writing my last post, I wrote about doing the best you can and letting God make up the difference. Leslie Householder tells us to resign as Manager of the Universe. I've always kind of chuckled at that and gone on with my life.

I've been rereading Florence Scovel Shinn's book "The Secret Door to Success" and in there is a chapter entitled The Fork in the Road. I was reading it about a week ago and I had been going through a rough time. I was feeling sick, stressed out and like I just couldn't handle everything. I read a quote and the thought came to me, "You need to resign as Manager of the Universe." I started to laugh it off and it came to me again and said, "No, you literally need to resign as Manager of the Universe."

I know it's powerful to bring goals, dreams, etc. into the physical by writing them down so I drafted a letter. I did it quickly because if I dragged it out, I would end up not doing it. So, here it is.

October 15, 2008

Dear Universe,

I hereby submit my resignation, effective immediately, as Manager of the Universe.

In contemplating the last few weeks of my life, it has come to my attention that I haven't been doing a very good job.

I am ready and willing to step aside for the good of my life, and that of my family.

I am divinely led. I follow the right fork in the road. God makes a way where there is no way. I am turning that job over to God NOW!

Melanie Valderrama

You know what? I feel great!!


BrandrFire said...

May I print your letter and stick it to my bathroom mirror?
Love it!

Melanie said...


I'm glad you enjoy this and you may absolutely print it out and stick it on your bathroom mirror!! Thanks for reading my blog--I need to start writing on it again.
