Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Law of Perpetual Transmutation

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that circumstances and things are perpetually coming or going according to your thoughts. This law refers to the fact that circumstances are constantly changing.

The story I referred to earlier about my son in the parade is a great example of this law. He heard me tell him we were going to a parade. He created a new idea that he was going to be in the parade. Then he had pure faith and belief that that would happen. I tried discouraging him from this idea, but he would not be deterred. If he had given in to me and decided, "Mom's right, I won't be in the parade," then I believe that circumstances would have changed and my aunt would not have come to our family asking if there was anyone that wanted to be on a float. This scenario had never happened in the past and when we went to the parade last summer, it didn't happen then, either (and my son had no desire last year to be on a float).

On page 39 in "Hidden Treasures: Heaven's Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters" by Leslie Householder, she describes what happens this way: "Belief is an emotion which speeds the creative process while doubt returns an idea to a formless state. So if you desire something or a circumstance that is good and in harmony with God's desires for you, hold the idea of it in your mind, believing that it is being created and is on its way. The original substance is obedient to the Law of Perpetual Transmutation and the influences of belief and doubt."

At the beginning of the year, I decided that I wanted to purchase Leslie's Family Time & Money Freedom Course because I knew that it would be a huge blessing in my life and I would forever be grateful for the information contained in it. However, at the time, I didn't have the funds anywhere to pay for it. I held the idea in my mind and knew that, because it was something good that I truly desired, the way would open up for me to receive it. At the beginning of March, I started figuring out our taxes (thank goodness they aren't complicated) and right at the end, noticed that we qualified to use an online service for free. I'm generally too cheap to pay someone to do simple taxes when I can easily do them myself. However, since it was free, I decided to give it a try. The difference between what I had figured our refund to be and what the online service figured our refund to be was the exact price of the Family Time & Money Freedom Course! I sat there stunned for a minute while I realized what had happened. My husband agreed that it would be beneficial for us to have the course so I was able to purchase it, and it has been even better than I originally thought it would be.

Create a new idea, believe in it, act on any impressions or feelings you receive. Things will start happening that you can't see, and as you press forward with faith and belief, you will receive your desire. Just try it--you just might be surprised with your results!

1 comment:

Dee said...

Totally! I've seen this happen, and I do think that creative things happen when you believe something, anything, if even only yourself.