Monday, September 22, 2008

The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 5

I love this chapter because this is where we first learn about the competitive vs. creative plane. I LOVE this concept because I hated to think that in order for me to get more, someone else had to get less. Here are the words of Wallace Wattles:

"You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what is already created.

You do not have to take anything away from any one.

You do not have to drive sharp bargains.

You do not have to cheat, or to take advantage. You do not need to let any man work for you for less than he earns.

You do not have to covet the property of others, or to look at it with wishful eyes; no man has anything of which you cannot have the like, and that without taking what he has away from him.

You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now."

As we become creators, we help everyone else. I love the way Leslie Householder explains this in her book "Hidden Treasures: Heaven's Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters." On page 19, she says, "...picture a pie, with one piece which belongs to you. If your piece of the pie represents the prosperity or wealth you enjoy, then to get more, someone must get less, (see fig. 1 and fig. 2).

On the other hand, you will see that to obtain wealth on a creative plane, you are adding some pie to the outer rim of your piece, increasing the diameter of the pie; and because Nature Abhors a Vacuum, the rest of the pie gets filled in, by law, and a bigger pie is created for everyone, (fig. 3 and fig. 4)." (To see the illustrations, you'll just need to order her book, which is excellent, by the way.)

So, you make the entire pie bigger which helps everyone. What an amazing concept! We are all creators and there are many ways to make this happen. An example Leslie gives in her book is when she held her first seminar. It was win, win, win all the way around. Not one person lost out in the event. I've not yet done this on a grand scale, but I now look for ways to live on the creative plane. I've taught a friend's daughter piano in exchange for makeup. I try to look for situations that will be win-win for everyone involved. Life is so much more fun this way!

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