Friday, September 12, 2008

The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 1

Leslie Householder is currently conducting a teleclass on the book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles. This book was originally written in 1910. You can download a free copy at or There are lots of other great websites to get a free copy, too.

Some of you may be turned off by the name of the book. Honestly, I wasn't. When I first heard about this book, I was in a place of really wanting to have money. I had lived long enough without it and knew that that wasn't fun. I decided that I wanted to try living life having money and see how that felt.

I have to admit: the first time I read this book, I didn't get it. I thought "What's all the fuss about this book?" and "I don't see how this book is going to help me become rich." Now I know that I wasn't ready to understand and apply the teachings in my life. And that was okay. Apparently I needed a little more struggle and a few more lessons to learn.

I started a mastermind group which consists of some amazing women. A few months into this call, we read this book again. I started seeing some precious gems in it. Then, after we discussed it, I saw even more! Every time I read it, I'm amazed that I didn't get it the first time around, and I'm still learning from it.

Back to the teleclass: Last night was the 2nd of 8 classes and I'm finding even more in it. I'd like to share some things.

The very first paragraph reads: "Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. No man can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with."

This brings to mind a few points. First of all, I've heard it said that you're more obsessed with money when you don't have it than when you do. I know from firsthand experience that this is true. I like to serve and help others and that's hard to do when I'm working in my spare time to bring in enough income just to cover the bills each month.

Money is a neutral energy--it is not good or bad. So, being afraid that lots of money will make me a bad person is silly. Money makes you more of what you already are. If you want to help others, you will have the resources to do so. If you want to hurt others, you will likewise have the resources to do that. I choose to believe that I will help others and I do that on a small scale right now.

I like to imagine how I will feel when I go to the grocery store on any day of the week and buy healthy food that I want to eat, not just what's on sale or shop only after payday. I also like to imagine my peace of mind that my bills are paid in full and on time and if I feel like attending a seminar or buy something online, it doesn't depend on my bank account but if it's something I feel will enhance my life.

As my children are getting older, there are different activities they want to participate in. I want to help them discover and develop their talents and again, I don't want it to depend on what I can afford but rather on what they want to pursue.

Since this is getting quite long, I will continue on another post!

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