Monday, September 8, 2008

Free Download

I'm excited to announce that I now have my own free download to give away. I started working on it at Mentor Training and it was finalized and put on its own site last week!

Go to Read my story and get my free download. The title of it is "Peace of Mind at the Pump: Using the 7 Laws of Success When You Gas Up Your Car." My download will help reinforce the 7 laws I've been blogging about. Please let me know what you think about it. Thanks!


Sara said...

Melanie, I LOVED "Peace of Mind at the Pump." It is really interesting to read about each law and how I can incorporate each one into every day real-life situations. It's nice to know that I really can have control over what I believe and can change my situation by positive thinking. Thanks for the article! - Sara

Melanie said...

Thanks for your feedback, Sara. I'm glad you enjoyed it!